Shri Manish Kashinath Potdar

office no 3, Ashok Sankul, 18, Range Hill Rd, opp. ICICI Bank, Ashok Nagar, Pune, 411007 Maharashtra
  093710 04699
0.00 - 0.00

Business Overview


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Contact Person Name Mr
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Landline No.
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No of Employee Not Answered
Professional Associations Astrologer

Business Hours

Mon 00:00 00:00
TUE 00:00 00:00
WED 00:00 00:00
THU 00:00 00:00
FRI 00:00 00:00
SAT 00:00 00:00
SUN 00:00 00:00

Business Location

Business Details

Shri Manish Kashinath Potdar, is a well  known personality, not only in his hometown Pune, but also in many parts of India. He also has to his credit, clients from various parts of the world, like the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, South Africa, Canada, Norway, UAE, Mauritius, Italy, Tanzania, Germany, Singapore, Thailand & Spain.

He is a devotee of Shri Sai baba of Shirdi, and believes that that gives him the inspiration and clarity of mind to do his work well. He is an avid reader of the ancient Indian writings on the effects of mantras, use of precious & semiprecious gemstones, Vedic astrology, & palmistry. He integrates modern scientific knowledge like aura scanning with the ancient writings in his practice.

He specializes in Vedic astrology & gemmology. He is an expert in Indian 'Vastushastra' and the Chinese 'Feng shui', the art & science of chanellising the flow of energy through a "vastu" or place of work, or dwelling. He is an ISO 9001-2015 Certified Astroconsultant. He has a large clientele, who testify to the miraculous changes that have occurred after following his guidelines. His deep interest in the occult sciences dates back to his childhood days, about 33 years back. Born and brought up in a family with a spiritual inclination, he had an access to valuable books by ancient masters, the 'nathapanthiyas', and had a fruitful interaction with learned persons in the field, and yogis like Shri A.L. Bhagwat.


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